4 Signals You're Stronger Than You Think

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Some things are clear indicators of a high level of physical strength -- such as being able to run a mile in under six minutes, bench press 275 pounds, or do 30 pull-ups without breaking a sweat.

But these are certainly not the only indicators of fitness. You probably experience many things in your daily life that suggest you're healthy and strong -- even if you've never set foot in a gym. See how physical exercise can make you mentally strong.)

Let's take a look at four signs you might have missed. These signs may indicate that you are stronger than you think.

You're holding it tight.

Can you open a pickle jar without thinking? Or do people always judge you for having a firm handshake? If so, you may fall into the "physically strong" category. "Grip strength is one of the biggest indicators of total body strength," says Simon Byrne, a nutrition coach and fitness instructor. Decreased grip strength with aging is associated with a variety of adverse health conditions, including muscle degeneration, higher risk of chronic disease and/or disability, and decreased cardiovascular health.

So, if you don't have any current problems with your grip strength and it's firm and strong, consider yourself probably stronger (and healthier) than you think!)

To sign.

"If you never (or rarely) struggle to open a bottle, shake it or anything that needs to be held tightly, then you're likely to have a solid base level," Bowen said.

You are recovering quickly.

For those of you who wake up sore and tired the day after exercising, your body needs time to repair itself. But how long it takes to repair is a key indicator of strength.

In general, the more you exercise, the stronger your body will be and the faster you will recover between exercises. "If you can recover from exercise faster.

That means your muscles are stronger, "says Reda Elmardi, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and registered dietitian.

Not sure if you're ready for your next workout, or if you need a day to recover?

If you find that your body needs less and less rest between exercises, take it as a clear sign that your body is getting stronger.

You can touch your toes.

If you can touch your toes effortlessly, this flexibility is a sign of strength. "Most people think of strength as how much weight a person can lift, but another indicator of muscle strength is flexibility," says Bowen.

Now, to be clear, there's no direct correlation between flexibility and strength (or to put it another way, flexibility doesn't necessarily mean you're strong). What's more, flexibility gives you a good baseline or foundation and also builds your strength.

"While being more flexible doesn't necessarily make you stronger, being less flexible certainly leads to a weaker person," Bowen said. "You can't move in all directions, your muscles are tight and you're more likely to get injured."

While not all flexibility comes from yoga, those who practice yoga for flexibility end up gaining strength - thanks to holding different poses and for different lengths of time in the poses, which helps build muscle.

So, if you're a flexible person who can easily touch your toes, it could be a sign that your body is stronger than you think.

You have the energy to get through the day.

There are so many things big and small to do every day. For example, suppose you work from home. On any given day, you may have to go up and down the stairs multiple times, play with your kids at lunchtime, spend a lot of time working at a standing table, and then run around the kitchen making dinner for you and your family.

What if you find that you can successfully control these things and don't feel like you've been hit by a truck at the end of the day? Think of yourself as strong.

There is a connection between strength and endurance. When you're strong, you have the energy (or stamina) to get through the day. So what if you could do our daily physical activities of walking, lifting weights, standing, talking, and so on, without feeling tired or out of breath? It's a sign of endurance and perseverance, and endurance is a sign of physical strength.

The bottom line? If you have enough energy to get through most days without feeling exhausted, then you may be stronger than you think

Want to strengthen? Try these tips.

If all of the signs mentioned above are true for you, then you may be stronger than you think. However, if you think to yourself, "Well... Maybe I'm not as strong as I thought I was. "Don't worry! There are many steps you can take to increase your strength, including:

Incorporate fitness into your daily life. If you want to get stronger, you need to exercise -- and that means incorporating fitness into your daily life. Schedule regular exercise and also look outside the gym for small and easy ways to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance (for example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or take five-minute stretching breaks multiple times throughout the day).

Sleep first. If you're exhausted all the time, it's hard to take steps to get stronger. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Eat more protein. What you eat also plays an important role in building your strength - and that includes eating lots of protein. "Protein is the building blocks of muscle; If your body doesn't have enough protein, then it can't build muscle, "Elmadi said. To increase your protein intake, add more protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and nuts to your diet.