5 Steps To Do A Tripod Handstand
Dec 20, 2023
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You don't need to be a serious yogi to master a tripod handstand or reap great benefits from it. "A lot of people see other students doing handstands and think it's impossible, but anyone with the right tools can learn it," says Jenny Finkel, a certified yoga and fitness instructor in Chicago. "Once you do that, you feel very powerful and excited."What's more, being able to stand on your head not only boosts your confidence, but also your core strength and coordination, Finkel says. Bonus: It gives you a new perspective: "When you stand on your head, you can see the world from a different perspective."
Are you ready to try a tripod handstand?
Finkel says there are benchmarks to help you answer that question. First, you need to be able to hold a plank for one minute. You should also have a solid Chaturanga and warrior III. Once you've mastered these tips, you can start mastering what Finkel calls "beauty queen tips." To do this, place a heavy cork or hardcover book on your head while you sit or stand. This will teach you to keep your neck long, rather than tuck your chin or arch your neck, Finkel says. It can also help you get used to the feeling of pressure overhead.
Ready to upend your worldview? The steps guide following will help you do just that. From the first step, only maintain the correct posture, can proceed to the next step. To increase support, face the wall or have a friend recognize you.
STEP1:Do a forearm plank, but take a yoga block -- preferably a cork block, because cork is heavier -- and place it between your thighs above your knees. This forces you to activate your leg muscles, giving you a deeper sense of core involvement. Hold this position and breathe five to eight times for 30 seconds to a minute.
STEP2:Lower the barrier and land on your hands and knees. Set up a tripod with your hands on the bottom and your head on top, creating a triangle and keeping your knees on the ground. Your arms should be bent at a 90-degree Angle, with your elbows toward your wrists and in line with your shoulders. Keep your neck long and keep your shoulders away from your ears.
STEP3:Tuck your toes in and lift your knees off the floor. Slowly move your feet toward your hands until your knees rest on your triceps. Keep your feet off the floor and your big toes together.
STEP4:Pull your heels toward your hips and bring your knees together to activate your core. You should start to feel your knees float up from your triceps (this is good if they float about an inch above your arm). Stretch your tailbone and keep your legs moving as your feet reach skyward (just like plank and Warrior III). Hold for a few breaths or one minute.
STEP5:To relax, bend your hips and knees, bring your knees back to your triceps, and relax your feet on the ground. Hold your child's position several times before returning to an upright position to prevent dizziness.
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