5 Ways OF Walking Is Bad For Your Health

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Research published by the American Heart Association says walking is the best form of exercise for losing weight, protecting heart function and burning calories. But a leisurely walk isn't going to do much good, and there are a few ways you can enhance your exercise.

In addition to increasing your speed and stride length, experts recommend walking uphill, which engages more of your back, thigh and hip muscles. They can also carry up to 1.4 kilograms in each hand while walking. Not only will this work on your balance, but it will also work your core muscle groups. During the walk, you can change your speed constantly. For example, you can trot for a period of time, at the same time, the upper body can also do some calisthenics, better play the role of exercising the muscles of the whole body.

But don't underestimate the walking, this seemingly simple, everyone can lift their legs to do it, but not many people can really do it right. Poor posture is not only unsightly, but also causes fatigue, leg and back pain, and even physical injury.

Mistake 1: Head down and chest in

The most common walking mistakes are keeping your head down, or leaning over. Chest when the lungs stretch space is "squeezed", breathing will become short, easy to affect the heart and lung function. Over time, you'll find that your breathing is very shallow and often rushed out before it gets to your lungs, which is bad for your oxygen supply. Leaning forward or backward throws your body out of balance and puts unnecessary strain on your lower back, which can trigger joint pain.

Walk with your head up so that your neck is in line with the rest of your spine. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and your stomach is tucked in. One way to check is to take a deep breath and notice how your shoulders hang down as you exhale.

Mistake 2: Taking too many steps

Waving your arms and taking long strides is seen by many as a sign of good spirit. However, when taking a long stride, the thigh often pulls the calf out and the foot "thump" to the ground. Walking with this posture, the cushioning force of the sole of the foot becomes worse, and it is easy to aggravate knee joint injury. And the feet are too far out to create any forward momentum in front of you and your body. For daily walking, use your most comfortable stride. If it is a brisk walk, the stride can be slightly larger, but do not affect the foot natural landing is appropriate.

Mistake 3: Bringing the wrong thing

Don't carry too much weight in your hands while walking. Carrying too much weight can lead to shoulder and forearm injuries. But don't forget to bring water. Drink at least a glass of water every 30 minutes, and if you're having trouble carrying it with your hands, put it in a Fanny pack or use an insulated kettle holder to carry your water bottle.

Mistake 4: Walking fast but stopping suddenly

If you walk quickly and stop suddenly, it can lead to pain and a host of injuries. It's best to start slowly, spending five minutes in a walking mode, which increases blood flow to your leg muscles and warms the blood up. You can speed up after your warm-up to increase your energy expenditure. It's gonna cool down slowly at the end. Spend the last five to ten minutes relaxing, again in slow walking mode, to gradually cool down your body. If you stop suddenly, all the extra blood is pumped to your leg muscles and heart, leaving you feeling dizzy and overheated.

Mistake 5: Repeating the same route

Many people don't want to bother to plan their route, walking on the same route every day, it will be boring and not easy to stick to, it is better to try to change the route. If you're always walking in the park, take a walk through a garden, botanical garden, or hilly terrain that is slightly undulating. This will give you better movement and more scenery than walking on flat terrain.

The study, conducted by the Rotman Research Institute in Canada, suggests that walking in a natural environment provides a beneficial complementary therapy for patients with clinical depression, not only boosting mood, improving depressed mood, but also improving memory function.

Researchers took 20 men and women with depression, with an average age of 26, and had them walk in either a very quiet natural environment or a noisy urban environment. The results showed that both types of walking significantly boosted the mood of the patients, and those who walked in the park scored 16 percent higher on tests of attention and operational memory than those who walked in the noisy streets.

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