6 poses with BP smart watch for high blood pressure
Dec 20, 2023
smart watches for women
If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before practicing yoga. In some cases, certain yoga poses should be avoided, including handstands. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and pay attention to how your blood pressure responds to yoga practice.
What's more,wearing a BP smart watch which can keep track of your BP will help you a lot to know your BP regularly and give a strategy for that
Following are the six yoga poses may help you a lot:
Balasana(child pose)
Why it helps with high blood pressure: Children's posture provides an opportunity to calm down and relax. It also prepares the hips and spine for movement to provide openness and length.
How to practice: Start on your hands and knees, touch with your big toe, and spread your legs a little wider than hip width. Exhale and sit your hips on your heels, keeping your arms extended forward. Your outer ribs should rest comfortably on your inner thigh.
You can keep your arms forward, or move to the side of your body to rest. While lengthening the spine, lengthen the sacrum along the heel. Lift your chin slightly and lengthen the nape of your neck. Put your forehead on the floor. With each inhale, feel your chest expand toward your thighs, and with each exhale, let your body relax toward the ground. Stay here for 1-3 minutes.
Push-ups (sitting and bending forward)
Why it helps with high blood pressure: Sitting and bending forward can be very calming. If you want to do this pose, you can put pillows on your thighs. You can put your forehead on it if you like.
How to practice: From Dandasana, sit on the floor with your legs in front of you. Sit up straight, pressing your heels away from your body and resting your fingertips on the floor next to your hips. Breathe in. On an exhale, bend your hips forward, keeping your torso elongated and your spine straight. Walk your hands along the outside of your legs, extending them as far as you can while maintaining the length of your spine. If you can reach them, grab the sides of your feet with your hands. With each inhale, slightly lift and lengthen your front torso; With each exhale, bend forward and relax a little. Stay here for 1-3 minutes.
Tied Angle pose
Why it helps with high blood pressure: This pose is a delicious butt opener, but it can also increase your body's circulation.
How to practice: Sit on the ground with your legs straight. Bend your knees, bring the soles of your feet together, and open your knees. Your hands can be placed on the floor behind you to support your spine, or gently support your feet. As you inhale, stretch your spine, reaching up above your head. Slide your shoulder blades down to lengthen the back of your neck. Hold for 3-5 breaths, feeling your ribs expand outward with each inhalation.
Head to knee
Why It Helps with high blood Pressure: Talk about soothing. Not only does this pose stretch the super-tight muscles in your back and legs, it can also calm your mind and relieve anxiety and fatigue.
How to practice: From the sitting position, right leg straight, left knee bent, left foot bottom close to the inside of the right thigh. If you feel tightness in your hamstrings or lower back, sit on a wooden block or folded blanket. Lean your hips forward, extend your arms above your head, and stretch your spine as you inhale. On an exhale, fold your right leg forward and gently support your right foot with your hands or place it on a comfortable floor. As you extend your right leg, press your right heel lightly against the floor. Keep the back of your neck long and your shoulders relaxed, away from your ears. Focus on long, steady inhalations and exhalations. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then switch sides.
Heroic style, stretching, exhaling, breathing
Why it helps with high blood pressure: Yoga practices, including breathing, have been shown to have the greatest benefits for your blood pressure. Prolonged exhalation can activate and calm the nervous system, relieve stress and lower blood pressure.
How to practice: Kneel on your knees with your legs hip-width apart and your toes pointing behind you. Get a blanket or a folded blanket that is comfortable to sit on. Sit on the floor between your legs, or sit on a board between your legs. Sit up straight, lift your head and stretch the back of your neck. If you feel uncomfortable in your knees, sit on an extra piece of wood or blanket that is taller.
Place your hands comfortably in your lap and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breathing. Notice how long you inhale and exhale.
After a few normal breaths, begin to extend the exhalation time to several times the inhalation time. Like inhale to four and exhale to six. Find the right amount for you. At all times, your breathing should be relaxed and comfortable, not tense. Stretch and exhale for 3-5 minutes, or as long as it feels good.
Body posture
Why it helps high blood pressure: Many people with high blood pressure are so used to a fast-paced, high-stress life that they may forget how to slow down and relax. The last resting pose in yoga class, Savasana, is especially important for teaching you how to stay still and calm. Don't skip it!
How to practice: Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms at your sides. Place your shoulder blades under your body and lift your chin slightly. Let your legs relax and roll out. Feel the whole spine relax to the ground. A good Savasana takes at least 10 minutes, but 20 minutes is better because it can give you more time to really relax your mind and body. Savasana takes practice, so practice over a long period of time. Think of it as a relaxation exercise. Your blood pressure will thank you!