How long will it take you to lose your fitness?

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It could be a holiday or a busy day at work. Or maybe you're injured, or just struggling with your motivation to train. There are all sorts of distractions that can distract you from your training routine and even force you to take longer breaks.

Whatever the reason, you may be worried about how your down time is affecting you and how quickly your health is declining.

Unfortunately, it falls very fast - especially in cardiopulmonary fitness and VO2 Max, which we'll discuss in this blog. Many training adaptations take months or years, but fade in a matter of weeks. Beat VO2 Max Fitness Level first Choose a BP smartwatch to define your fitness level and help you monitor whether it is rising or falling.

First beat VO2 Maximum oxygen uptake defines your heart and lung fitness level and helps you monitor whether it is rising or falling if you have abandoned your exercise plan.

Rest is a must -- in moderation.

Before we get into training, we'd better emphasize that loss of fitness is a complex and unique process. Training is a term that refers to the loss of fitness resulting from prolonged rest or insufficient training load. Going to train depends on several factors, including your fitness level, exercise duration, personal physiology and genetics.

Another thing to remember is that going to training is not the same as recovery, and recovery is an important part of any training program. Give your body a chance to adjust to the training and make development possible. The First Beat Recovery Time consultant helps you by predicting how long it will take your body to fully recover. Stress and recovery throughout the day will allow you to see the bigger picture and reveal how your body responds to the challenges of everyday life.

Short exercise breaks are also the secret to peak performance. If you've been training hard and well, a few days off might be just what you need to get the most out of it.

But enough is enough. After a few days of inactivity, you begin to lose control and your body begins to decline. Cardiopulmonary fitness is like many skills: you need to use it or you'll lose it.

Blood volume decreases, heart rate increases

What happens if you stop endurance training? One of the first effects is that your blood volume decreases - you begin to lose the training adaptation that keeps your stroke volume (the amount of blood your heart pumps with each beat) high. This means that less blood is returning to your heart each time it beats, and your body will try to compensate by increasing the heart rate.

That's why you may notice that your heart rate is much higher when you do the same intensity of exercise after a training interval, even if it's a short one. Usually after a week, the blood volume starts to decrease.

In addition, reduced myocardial volume and reduced ventilation efficiency resulted in reduced stroke output after several weeks of training. Eventually, your heart rate can't counteract the effect, and your aerobic endurance is impaired.

Maximal oxygen uptake drops rapidly.

The decline in stroke volume is also one of the main reasons why VO2 Max starts to decline rapidly. During 2-4 weeks of training, VO2 Max decreases significantly: trained individuals may lose 4% to 14% of their VO2 Max during this period, while beginners show a slight decrease in VO2 Max.

If training continues, VO2 Max will be affected by many other factors besides stroke volume decline. Reductions in capillary density (the tiny blood vessels that supply oxygen to the muscle), mitochondrial number (the aerobic capacity of the cell) and oxidase activity all affect the ability of the muscle to use oxygen.

During periods of prolonged training cessation, trained individuals have been shown to reduce their VO2 Max by 6 to 20 percent. When it comes to recent training, most studies show that VO2 Max is completely reversed after prolonged inactivity. Because VO2 Max is not only a defining indicator of cardiopulmonary fitness, but also an important indicator of overall health, not trivial.

Training also causes other adaptations, including changes in metabolism and hormones. For example, in just one week, your muscle glycogen levels (carbohydrate stores) drop and your lactate threshold drops.

If you continue training, you will also start to lose muscle mass after 2 to 3 weeks. The strength can be maintained for a long time, up to three to four weeks, but then gradually lose. Naturally, all training adaptations depend on your inactivity.

Training intensity is the most important factor in maintaining aerobic fitness if you want to maintain your VO2 Max.

Intensity is important.

During your training breaks, whether voluntary or forced, it is good to remember that all physical activity helps to maintain health and combat difficulties. So, if possible, at least take the stairs to the corner store.

We should recognize that training intensity is the most important factor in maintaining aerobic fitness. You can reduce your training volume to a staggering degree -- even 60 to 90 percent -- and the frequency can be reduced modestly, but if you want to maintain your VO2 maximum energy level, the intensity should be about the same.

If you need to cut back on training during a busy workday or summer vacation, practice less, but work hard enough.

In other words, don't worry too much about relatively short breaks. If you've been training regularly and effectively, you can easily hang up your running shoes for a week or two. When you start training again, the physical loss you experienced during that period will be quickly recovered.