How To Relieve Neck Tension

Bpdoctor Smart Watch

Neck tension and pain can be exacerbated by stress, long hours at the computer, poor sleeping positions and poor posture. Neck tension often leads to tension headaches and other spinal problems. Relieve an uncomfortable and sore neck with stretching, massage, heat, and routine changes.

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1 Stretch the neck

Sit down and start moving your neck. Moving the neck lengthens the large muscles in the neck and relaxes the entire body. Stretching the small muscles in the neck can also prevent tension headaches.

  • Sit cross-legged on a gym mat or other soft surface. You can properly choose yoga bricks or pillows for auxiliary support to improve comfort.
  • Inhale, slowly tilt your head to the right. Unlike the usual practice of putting your right ear on your shoulder, this time extend your neck to the right and lengthen your neck. You should feel a stretch in your left shoulder and neck. Hold for three breaths.
  • Exhale, restore, and look ahead. Inhale, and then lean to the other side. Hold for three breaths.
  • Repeat the exercise two to three times on each side. If you feel that is not enough, you can manually increase the pressure a little. For example, when you tilt your head to the right, you can gently push your head to the right with your left hand. Never pull your neck. Some pressure should be applied gently to the head.

2 Place your chin against your chest

Although this action is simple, it can effectively stretch the neck muscles.

  • Sit cross-legged. Support your pelvis with something like a pillow or a yoga block. Inhale, slowly press your chin to your chest. Imagine holding an egg between your chin and chest, and try to keep it from falling.
  • Hold for two to three breaths. You should be able to feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders stretching.
  • Inhale, raise your head, restore. Repeat the exercise two to three times, holding for two to three breaths each time.


3 Do hand swing exercises

This simple move works the arms and torso and relieves tension in the shoulders and neck.

  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart and your hands hanging naturally by your sides. Gently turn the body back and forth to the sides, and the arms naturally swing to the sides of the body with the rotation, and hold for six to ten breaths.
  • When swinging, you can make fists with both hands and let the fists fall naturally on both sides of the buttocks. Repeat for six to ten breaths.


4 The chest cavity opens, bends forward, and folds the body

Stand on the mat with your feet no more than a meter apart.

  • With the toes facing inward and the heels facing slightly outward, clasp your hands behind your back with your palms close together. Inhale, lift your chest, and tilt your head back.
  • Breathe, bend your body forward, and notice that the bent part should be your hips, not your waist. Raise your hands as far as you can toward the ceiling, using gravity to draw your arms toward the front of your head.
  • Hold this pose for six to eight breaths. Let your head hang down naturally, and try to hold your hands tightly. You can feel the stretch in the neck and shoulders.

5 Using the Wall to Stretch the Neck

The corner of the wall is a good place to move. This action is very simple, but it can effectively stretch the neck muscles and relieve tension. ,

  • Facing the wall, stand about half a meter away from the corner. Bring your feet together and distribute your weight evenly.
  • Place your forearms on each wall, with your elbows slightly lower than your shoulders. Inhale, and lean against the wall as far as you can without feeling the pain. You should feel a stretch in your chest and front of your shoulders.
  • Hold for six to eight breaths. You can repeat the exercise three to five times a day.


6 cobra pose in yoga

After doing some simple neck warm-ups, it's time to try Cobra Pose. This pose stretches the shoulder, neck, and back muscles, corrects posture, and improves the general health of the spine. But before trying the cobra pose, it is recommended to warm up the neck first.

  • First, lie on your stomach on the mat, you can put your forehead against the mat or use a towel to cover your chin. Place your hands by your sides, palms flat on the mat. Press your tongue against your upper jaw to help control your neck muscles.
  • Inhale, raise your arms and tighten your shoulder blades. Raise your arms as high as possible. Lift the forehead about two finger heights off the mat, looking forward and downward.
  • Hold for six to eight breaths. Keeping your face down, shift your weight toward your legs and press your toes on the ground.
  • Repeat this action two to three times. Every time you practice fingertips, lie on the mat with your head sideways and rest for a while.


7 Try Shrugging

Shrugging works the upper shoulder and neck muscles. This exercise can be done sitting or standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Arms hang down naturally, shrug your shoulders, and try to find your ears with your shoulders. Hold for 10 seconds.

  • Practice three to four times a day.


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Whether in study or work, try to avoid sitting for a long time. On BP Smartwatch, you can set sedentary reminders to help you pay more attention to your health.