Pay attention to your body and mind

smart blood pressure watch

We should know that your mental health plays an important role in your overall health. Take a moment to reflect on yourself today and take some time to be mentally healthy.

Here are some tips for managing and improving your mental health:

Record your feelings.

Try writing down how you've felt over the past few months. See if there are any unexpected trends or specific events that trigger an emotional or mental state.


Physical exercise is a great way to help improve your mental health. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening and dancing can reduce anxiety and depression. You don't need a long workout. Find something that makes you feel good and do it for 15-30 minutes a few times a week.

Stand the nature

Many people habitually turn to their favorite shows when we want to relax, but research shows that spending time in nature can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can be as simple as walking through a nearby park or sitting in a green house. If your adventure takes you outside to enjoy the sun, so much the better. Getting as little as 10 minutes of sun a day can help improve your mood, job satisfaction and sleep.

These are just a few ways to help you manage and improve your mental health, but if you're in crisis, looking for support or just want more information, we've listed some of the following resources:

The national lifeline for suicide prevention
Dialogue Space online consultation
National Center for LGBT Assistance
The National Eating Disorders Association
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Hotline
The Veterans Crisis Hotline

What's more,you can use BP doctor watch to record when you doing exercise.BP doctor watch has functions of blood pressure,lung breath,temperature,etc.