Sleep is important! Don't ignore cardiovascular patients!
Dec 20, 2023
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The weather is getting cold, a lot of people will have the habit of staying in bed, feel cold outside cold, always can not let themselves out of bed, coupled with the accelerated pace of life now, many people in order to socialize and work at night often do not sleep well, it is easy to fall asleep at night, can not wake up in the morning.
In fact, the quality of sleep is closely related to our physical health, according to a study published in the European Heart Journal, the length of sleep is closely related to physical health, long-term sleep deprivation will greatly increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, leading to premature death; Getting too much sleep has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is also bad for your health.
According to the study, chronically sleep-deprived people are 48 percent more likely to have coronary heart disease and 15 percent more likely to have a stroke. The researchers pointed out that in today's fast-paced society, people are under increasing pressure to lose a lot of sleep, which is not a good thing. Lack of sleep can affect metabolism, endocrine and immune systems. An adult should ensure 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day. If it is less than 5 hours, it will pose a serious threat to health. If it is more than 9 hours a day, it will also affect health and quality of life.
Sleep disorders will lead to cardiovascular disease, staying up late will lead to a decline in the body's immunity, sleep quality affects our body function.
Is getting seven or eight hours a day quality sleep?
In fact, in sleep, not all at once deep sleep in the past, but divided into several "sleep cycles." Put simply, the human sleep cycle can be roughly divided into three types: light sleep, deep sleep, rapid eye movement sleep. Sleep cycles are about 90 minutes each from light sleep to deep, rapid eye movement sleep. If you sleep for eight hours a night, that's about four to five cycles, which means we typically experience four to five deep sleeps per night. During deep sleep, growth hormone is secreted in large quantities, which is important for the body's repair and growth.
So how can you get more deep sleep?
1. Avoid consuming substances that affect sleep, such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, which will reduce the quality of sleep.
Do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea and energy drinks containing caffeine and other stimulants several hours before going to bed, and do not smoke. Alcohol, which appears to make some people fall asleep faster, can actually prevent you from entering the deep stages of sleep, during which you are more likely to wake up with stomach upset, thirst and other causes. There are also certain medications that can interfere with sleep. If you are taking medications, talk to your doctor about whether they may be causing sleep problems.
2. Get plenty of regular exercise.
Many people ask, Why do you dream so much at night when you are tired from working during the day? This is because you don't sleep deeply enough. Moderate exercise can help increase the length of deep sleep. If your health permits, walking briskly for at least half an hour every day may have better results. However, try not to do strenuous exercise before bed.
3. Eat a light diet with balanced nutrition.
Don't binge or eat indigestible foods before bed, which may interfere with sleep. For example, flatulent food: produce more gas in the process of digestion, will cause abdominal distension discomfort; Spicy food: easy to cause stomach burning and indigestion; Greasy food: increase the burden of stomach, liver and gallbladder and other organs. Keep your dinner light, and your midnight snack as little as possible, or even better, none.
Good sleep is as much a part of a healthy life as nutrition and exercise, and improving your sleep quality can lead to improved physical and mental health. Sleep duration and sleep disorders may be risk factors for heart and cardiovascular disease, according to a new statement from the American Heart Association (AHA). Therefore, in winter, patients with cardiovascular diseases should pay more attention to maintaining regular and healthy rest and rest habits, create a comfortable sleeping environment for themselves, and try their best to have a higher sleep quality.
Abbott has a history of cutting-edge solutions when it comes to cardiovascular health. Abbott focuses on programs to improve coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, structural heart and peripheral artery disease to help people recover.
As a world-renowned healthcare company, Abbott's diversified and innovative medical and scientific fields include cardiovascular technology, blood glucose monitoring technology, high-quality mature drugs, balanced scientific nutrition, health diagnosis technology and neuroregulation technology, covering different stages of life, supporting people to manage health scientifically and live a wonderful life!