What To Do About Insomnia?

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Insomnia is a problem that many people will encounter. What is insomnia? How to eat can relieve insomnia? Let's take a look.

What is the definition of insomnia?

Insomnia is defined as having insomnia for at least 3 days a week, and symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, emotional irritability, difficulty concentrating, or physical discomfort during the day, which affect study or work. Lasting less than 1 month is called acute insomnia, and more than 1 month is called chronic insomnia.

Further subdivided, insomnia can be divided into 3 types:

Difficulty falling asleep: taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep after going to bed

Nocturnal waking: A total of 30 minutes or more in the middle of the night

Premature awakening: Waking up earlier than expected, more than 30 minutes and not being able to fall back asleep
5 common causes of insomnia


There are many causes of insomnia, common causes include:

Psychological factors: excessive worry, uneasiness, over-excitement, work anxiety, depression, excessive pressure, etc.

Lifestyle patterns: Smoking, caffeinated or other stimulant drinks before bed

Environmental factors: noise, light, mosquito bites, and high temperature in the environment can also affect falling asleep

Physiological factors: polyuria, cough, pain

Changes in biological clock: e.g. travel, jet lag


What to eat for insomnia?

To improve insomnia, you can eat foods with the following ingredients:

  • Tryptophan

Tryptophan can regulate serotonin, help to relax, slow down nerve activity, and induce drowsiness. Foods containing tryptophan include milk, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish, eggs, bananas, etc.


  • Vitamin B group

Vitamin B group can stabilize nerves and help sleep. Eggs, meat, fish, grains and roots, beans, and dark green vegetables are all rich in vitamin B group.


  • Magnesium

Magnesium stabilizes nerves and muscles, and a magnesium deficiency can lead to anxiety and depression, both of which can interfere with sleep. Magnesium-containing foods include nuts, beans, milk, whole grains, and dark green vegetables.


  • Calcium

Calcium can help the brain convert amino acids into tryptophan, and tryptophan can regulate serotonin, so calcium is closely related to sleep quality. Calcium-rich foods include milk, kelp, etc.

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