How Do You Know If You Can Run A Marathon

Smart Watch Series


With the increase of marathon events, more and more runners join the marathon team. But the marathon is a high-risk sport for amateur runners, and there are some accidents in the marathon almost every year.

In essence, there is an essential difference between marathon and long-distance running. The former requires a certain degree of training before participating, while the latter is an exercise method that ordinary people can choose in their lives.

So the question is, how do we know if we are suitable for running a marathon? Today, the editor will tell you how to judge whether you can run a marathon~

Who is not suitable for running a marathon?

People with heart disease are not suitable to participate: People with congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease are definitely not suitable for marathon. People who have had a heart attack in the near future, people with severe coronary artery disease, or people who feel chest pain when doing light activities, and people who turn pale and blue during exercise are not suitable for marathons.

What needs to be reminded is that some heart diseases may have no symptoms at ordinary times, which can easily cause accidents such as syncope, convulsions, and sudden death.

People with respiratory diseases are not suitable to participate: if upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and other viral infectious diseases occur 2 weeks before the competition, it is not recommended to participate in the competition. Some runners who think they are in good health will choose not to take medicine or rest when they get a viral cold. It is not advisable to rely on the foundation of the body to carry it hard, and even insist on exercising with a large amount of exercise during the cold.

At this time, after the virus enters the blood through the upper respiratory tract, it reaches the heart along with the blood circulation. If the patient's resistance is weak, it is very likely to induce myocarditis.

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, people who suffer from diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, severe arrhythmia, and obesity cannot participate in marathons rashly.



Under what circumstances can you not run a marathon?


Don’t run without a healthy and fit body: long-distance running will cause great damage to joints and muscles. If you are overweight, it is best to wait for the successful weight loss before joining the marathon; moreover, the energy consumption of the marathon is very large, and a strong stomach and liver are necessary , and those with weak spleen and stomach and lack of cardiopulmonary function should not try rashly.
The interval between participating in competitions should not be too short. It is generally believed that the interval between two competitions is half a year is more reasonable. Of course, many high-level amateur runners will participate in more competitions. This is related to the intensity of his single competition itself and individual recovery Ability matters a lot.


Don’t run without continuous systematic training: Marathon sports are long-distance, long-term, and high-intensity, and you can’t run with your legs. It is necessary to formulate a systematic marathon personal training plan and follow the scientific laws step by step.

For beginners, to prepare for a full marathon, the training should last for 15-20 weeks, and the average weekly running distance should be kept at 50-100 kilometers. Three to five weeks before the competition, there must be preparations for 2-3 trial runs, and each trial run should reach at least 35 kilometers. After such a persistent preparation, we can ensure that we can run the full distance without basically harming our body.


This process must be a gradual and cumulative process, otherwise the body's joints, muscles, and organ functions will hardly adapt to sudden changes in consumption and intensity stimulation. Participating in a marathon is a long-term preparation process that requires attention in terms of diet, training and psychology.

Don't run without scientific and professional equipment: Don't think that running equipment with the word "professional" can make you walk like a fly. Expensive ones are not necessarily good, but comfort is what really matters.


Don't run without a calm and calm attitude: At present, there are a certain number of people who are influenced by the people around them and want to try the marathon. The most important feature of such people is their high motivation, but they see the marathon as easy, and they train very hard but inappropriately.

The goals of these groups are too high and unrealistic, and they lack a scientific, systematic and step-by-step process, which leads to physical harm.
Before running a marathon, be sure to let your body fully exercise and get used to running for a long time. Every time you run, you can wear BP Smartwatch and observe your running conditions to determine whether you can participate in the marathon.