4 Suggestions You Should Know When Running To Lose Weight
Nov 26, 2022
Smart Sport Watch
When you lose weight, you can use our BP doctor watch to record your exercise and monitor your physical health to achieve the desired results
If you run to lose weight, watch out for Google searches. While you can quickly find a lot of information, much of it seems contradictory. Some sites recommend long-term jogging to burn fat, while others advocate short-term, high-intensity exercise. So what should you do? The truth supported by these four studies applies to any runner.
1.Identify calories
"While it sounds boring, it's really about calories in and calories out," says Jason Karp, trainer and author of "Getting Rid of Fat." A 2014 review of related studies concluded that most people who don't consciously adjust their diet need four hours or more of moderate-intensity exercise per week to see weight loss. That's because many people compensate for increased exercise by eating more food.
"Anything you eat that exceeds your metabolic needs is stored as fat," Karp says. It doesn't matter whether those calories come from carbohydrates, fat or protein.The problem people have, Karp says, is that "they burn calories for a lot longer than they burn calories." You can run for half an hour, burn about 350 calories, and immediately gulp down a donut and sports drink.
You can calculate your daily calorie distribution by looking at how many calories you eat. Once you know that, you can track your diet and exercise with your BP doctor watch, which will help you make sure you don't consume more calories than you burn.
2. Your carbs
While ultimately the total number of calories is what matters, choosing the time to eat can guide where energy goes first and help control your appetite -- especially when it comes to carbohydrates.
Post-run is a good time to eat carbs, karp says, because high-intensity exercise depletes your muscles' stores of carbohydrates. Any carbs you eat during those 30 minutes will replenish those reserves first, rather than being stored as fat that is harder to burn.
Karp likens it to filling up your car -- you want to fill up after you drive, not before. If the carbohydrate tank is full, where are those calories going?" "He asks if they're stored as fat, because your body has no choice."
Karp recommends eating most carbs in the morning and immediately after a long workout. This will provide your body with heat while it's busy burning calories, which also helps reduce your hunger later in the day, which often leads to unconsciousness or overeating.
What does the stuff on your plate look like? Breakfast was a bowl of overnight oats, lunch was an open Turkey sandwich and dinner was salmon and vegetables. Tracy Morris, a nutritionist, recommends a snack to recover after a long run -- that is, more than an hour -- like low-fat chocolate milk or a peanut butter sandwich.
3. Vary the intensity of your workout
Don't get hung up on working out only in your fat-burning zone -- there are pros and cons to having you work out in every heart rate zone.(Bp doctor watch have the function of heart rate monitoring.)
Karp says, "If you can handle high-intensity exercise, you're making good use of your time because you're burning a lot of calories in a short amount of time." However, low-intensity exercise -- such as fat-burning zones -- allows you to exercise longer and more frequently -- with a lower risk of injury, which may result in more calories being burned.The best strategy? Follow a mixed intensity program, then move as much as you can while staying healthy and motivated.
4. Only. To keep. Run fast.
While it's difficult to generate the deficit needed to lose weight with enough exercise, studies show that exercise alone can keep many people's weight off. "Cutting calories can help you lose weight, but only exercise can help you keep it off," Karp said.