Ways To Improve Speed During The Race
Nov 28, 2022
Smart Watch
What is the best way to learn how to adjust your speed properly during a race?
Practice You need to practice your race speed over and over again to know how fast you can run and what level of effort you can maintain.
I'll illustrate with A simple story: When I ran my first half marathon in 2007, I didn't know how fast I was supposed to run, so my coach gave me two different time goals: one was 4:36 minutes per mile on "A" days, and the other was 4:42 minutes per mile on "B" days. I write these intervals on my hand so I can see them when I run.
What's going on? I'm grateful that I didn't focus on those hours and just listened to my body. Half marathon is neither a day race nor a day trip. Instead, it feels better and faster every day. My first mile was about 4:37, which was my slowest mile. I ended up averaging 4:33 per mile and 59:43 per mile, an American record. If I had measured my pace with division and time, this AR would not have happened.
Try your best.
Now you might be wondering: If mile division isn't a good metric, how do we pace our game? The answer is twofold: One is to run as fast as possible in training, at distances slightly shorter than the race. If you're training for a half marathon, try to run eight miles. If you're training for 10 kilometers, try running 3 to 4 miles. Try different levels of effort to know your limits and see how long you can go without slowing down.
Pay attention to your heart rate.
The second key to learning to pace yourself is to pay attention to your heart rate: it's one of the most important sources of feedback a runner can use. As you practice, watch your heart rate and see if you can maintain it for a few miles. (BP doctor watch have a great function of heart rate monitoring.)If you go above that, slow down. Then, when race day rolls around, you'll know you didn't start as fast as most runners, because you'll be able to see that your heart rate doesn't exceed the expected level you established during training.
Don't limit yourself.
On the day I set the half-marathon record, I remember saying to myself early on, "You're running too fast; You will explode." From an outsider's perspective, it's true: no American can run as fast as I can... And it didn't blow up. But I also remember thinking, "If you were training, could you run the same routine for an hour?" Heart rate is a huge key that unlocks your ability to perform well in any race.
In conclusion, I encourage you not to limit yourself to what you think is possible, but to check your heart rate and make your own effort to run a perfect race.
For monitoring your heart rate,you can use our BP doctor watch,which also have functions of bp monitor,temperature monitor,tec.